Do I miss teaching? Yes, so I teach classes in needle felting, clay, ribbed basketry & more!
Your creativity & imagination will let your work be endless - this is something that I taught my Art students, regardless of the grade level! Have confidence in yourself, it opens doors!
If you find interest in needle may find yourself "tangled in your work!" Needle felting gives YOU control! |
Ribbed basketry is a challenge but offers a historical and/or functional use & beauty as well!
Learn & enjoy spinning....with coffee (or tea) & conversation! Join a fiber guild, learn how and then teach!
How to get to the hills and hollars' of West Virginia.......... and to this farm!
Debbie Martzall 2576 Laurel Creek Road Tanner, WV 26137 Phone: 304-462-8043 Email: [email protected] or: [email protected] |
Call or email to get specific directions from your location - if you do not trust your GPS or mapquest! If you are making the trip from Ohio, DO NOT follow your GPS because it will bring you in from the other end of the stone road that goes by the farm...this is not safe! Contact me for better directions that are safe for your vehicle & you!